Thursday, January 31, 2008

Learning how to cook

In this post instead of given you a recipe (which I don't have) for making cinema 2.0, I decided to share a small collection of ingredients and chef's interviews I find interesting to help building some understanding over the subject of alternative ways to produce and share a cinematic work.

These links are not a complete or final resource guide, but only a few I personally find useful.

Filmmakers Seize Control - Arin Crumley's (from Four Eyed Monsters) video on Youtube.
"The Vancouver international film festival invited Lance Weiler and I to come out and be a part of their Forum sessions. This one was called Filmmakers Seize Control."

Fat Free Films - Joel Marshall - Nice podcast selection

Interview with Matt Hanson the creator of the cinema 2.0 project, A SWARM OF ANGELS
on the site The Workbook Project

There are many others. Including some outstanding technical resources like fxguide but these fall out of the scope of this blog because they are hi-end pro ventures that the main focus is on technical skills of big budget movies. But If you already work on the cinema or broadcast field you must be aware of these resources.

I hope people share more links on the subject on the comments section.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Modular Concept

This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the patenting of a known iconic brick construction set. Looking at the bright side, is a intelligent colorful toy that worth merit.

© Film by Mirko Horstmann distributed under
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence.

More brick films here.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Fair(y) Use Tale

Brilliant video parody about copyright directed by Eric Faden.

Watch the video here.

I found it because of this post.

Related Links: Manifesto For Critical Media at Mediascape

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pablo in motion

Who is Pablo Ferro?

Find out more about the film at Kihou or read this post.

Side note: Nice graphic reference to this "Mondrian" visual mosaic style present on The Tracey Fragments film.

Why have a blog in "Engrish"?

Some people (meaning: my wife) ask me why did I choose to write this blog in Engrish, so i decided to sum it up, even if I am the only one that is going to read this.

1. Why have a blog? I wanted to have a record I could search of my own whereabouts on the net related to cinema and moving pictures. So why not a blog?

2. About the language choice:

For me all of us, as a collective, are learning how to tell a history in moving images (this "cinematic experience" thing). The visual vocabulary of this new language is in it's infancy, socially speaking. It feels like we are just out of "dark ages", when only few knew how to read/write.

Beside 100 years of cinema and some decades of TV, it is only now with the explosion of video on the Internet that we are exponentially growing our common "moving image vocabulary" in the process of trying to make a "universal language". Exponential growth because some passive receivers are becoming content producers (not that there is quality everywhere). If this happens with the collaboration/interaction of different cultures, mindsets and sensibilities is a wonderful moment in time to be part of. If by one hand, on our recent past TV has "standardized" so many visual/cultural cliches, on the other hand, now much more people can play around visual narratives. My hope is that this knowledge is used to expand our skills building cultural bridges rather than walls and is not used only for *"trivial commercial applications" that have been already spotted/explored in the past. Besides the great cultural gain from this new world, on the commercial side of things I hope at least it serves new commercial applications (like paying my rent - microbloging kind of stuff).

So what better way to do this than writing about it in English? A language in which I have no formal training on and have to struggle to express thoughts in a intelligible way? Isn't that the same kind of learning required to master moving pictures storytelling? Aren't we all trying to find new ways to communicate better in this "foreign language"?

Well, for me it is going to take a whale (sorry, "a while")

Homage to Werner Herzog - *Found on Youtube.

(I had a video link that was really relevant here but decide to take it out because of this)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Old new thing

The whole point of the promo I did was to have fun, and of course to promote something I like that is the idea of building new stories out of old fragments.

But something is never really new. I knew that... What is at least funny, not to say a bit embarrassing, is when you come across other's work (released prior to yours) that have some bits in common. That's what happened when I found this video today.

I still think that my video and this one are safely far away from each other regarding subject, editing and approach but the clapper board thing on the beginning....uhhh, I don't know if I would had done mine if I had watched the "Slim Twig Tropics" before.

Congrats to the author.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Creative Commons Promo featured on eCuaderno

Thanks to eCuaderno for linking the CCPromo video as support links on a broader post about "La cultura de la Web 2.0 y su alcance en cine y televisión". If it wasn't for the "linkback" feature on Youtube I would still not know about eCuaderno.

It is a blog from professor José Luis Orihuela with many articles and resources on new media subjects.

It is spanish only, but if that is not a problem for you check it out.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Open, Collaborative Video Experiment

Some fresh news on collaborative media production is here.

It seems that Wikimedia Foundation is trying to add some tools to the mix, helping people produce collaborative rich media content.

Far from traditional cinema? Sure...But is probably closer to what some day might become cinema 2.0.

More on this soon.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Creative Commons and Cinema 2.0

The Creative Commons blog made a great post about Cinema 2.0 with some big projects being listed and also a kind note about my small promo done with CC licensed footage from "The Tracey Fragments"

If you are looking for some alternative projects real world examples of how audiovisual production is changing, I think it is worth reading.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008