Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wanna work on the movies?

Portuguese subtitles available.

This is a fan trailer edit I made with footage from the original short film "Vicious Circle".

Go watch the original, and "pay" some respect to the talent that made this funny spoof at industrial films "behind the scenes" long time ago.

Original credits:
Producer: Calvin Company
Source: Prelinger Archives / Internet Archive
License: Public Domain

1 comment:

Allen Klosowski said...

I thought the site might be an interesting story for your blog. It's a do-it-yourself filmmaking website where the users work together to make a film.

Basically, we create a short video clip or "Rootclip" to start the story. Amateur filmmakers watch our video, then shoot their own rendition of what should happen next in less than 2 minutes. The result is an entire short film made by amateur filmmakers. We think it's pretty exciting.

Our last film actually debuted at the Travese City Film Festival, so the results are surprisingly entertaining.

I don't know if this kind of thing is interesting to your readers, but I find that most people involved with film and video production love what we are doing. Maybe you can help us get the word out?

Thanks for your time, and I hope to speak with you soon.