Tuesday, January 20, 2009

‘Yes We’re Cans’

Video contests are everywhere, including RAT - Renew America Together.

"We've teamed up with YouTube to sponsor a video competition. Submit your video -- three minutes or under -- telling us what you plan to do on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day."

First place video, "Yes, We're Cans," from Tennessee.

can change. Its a start.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Let the music flow

New year, news to the ears:

N.A.S.A. "Money" feat. David Byrne, Chuck D, Ras Congo, Seu Jorge, & Z-Trip from Paul Griswold on Vimeo.

Video directed by Syd Garon & Paul Griswold, featuring the artwork of Shepard Fairey (the artist "responsible" for this iconic poster).

More about N.A.S.A.: